Create a Liquid Staking Pool
Create using PolkadotJs

How to Create a Liquid Staking Pool Using PolkadotJS

Creating a liquid staking pool on the Tangle Network using PolkadotJS is a straightforward process. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Access the PolkadotJS Interface

Alternatively, you can access it via the tangle explorer:

Step 2: Create a Pool

  • Navigate to the Extrinsics tab on PolkadotJS.

PolkadotJS Extrinsics

  • Under the Lst section, select Create.
  • Enter the required details such as:
    • Initial deposit amount: The amount of tokens you are contributing to the pool. This is in lowest unit, so should use 18 decimal places.
    • Root account: The account that will be responsible for managing the pool.
    • Nominator account: The account that will nominate validators for the pool.
    • Bouncer account: The account responsible for managing participant entries and exits.
    • Pool Name: Choose a unique and descriptive name for your pool.

You can use the same account for the root, nominator and bouncer or different accounts.

PolkadotJS Create Pool

Sign and submit the transaction. Make sure the account you are using has enough balance to cover the transaction fee and pool deposit.

PolkadotJS Transaction

If successful, you should see the following screen:

PolkadotJS Pool Created

Lets break down the events, navigate to the Network tab, you should see the following events:

PolkadotJS Events

  • lst.Bonded : tells you that the pool has been created and the initial deposit has been made.
  • lst.Created : tells you that the pool has been created and shows the pool id.
  • assets.Issued : tells you that the pool has created a new asset (LST) and issued the staked tokens to the creator.

Step 3: Configure Commission and Roles (Optional)

  • Set the commission rate you wish to charge as the pool manager.

You can do this by navigating to the Extrinsics tab, under the Lst section, select SetCommission.

PolkadotJS Set Commission